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Student Handbook

all belong learn and grow

We Believe

  • All students can learn and achieve to high standards throughout their lives.
  • All students can become expert learners.
  • Social-emotional well-being is essential for academic learning. 
  • Learners and their educators are highly diverse and require flexible supports.
  • Collaboration among educators across disciplines and roles is essential.
  • All students need and deserve a safe physical and emotional learning environment.
  • Relationships are the foundation for growth and success.

Our Vision

Nationally recognized district of choice that embraces all students and prepares them to grow and thrive for their future.

Strategic Goals

In cooperation with our community, we will:

  • become a Professional Learning Community (PLC) improving student achievement by providing equitable experiences and opportunities for all students,
  • create systemic and purposeful innovation opportunities to develop critical thinkers,
  • support student well-being, mental wellness, and the whole child (healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged).


The Board of School Trustees recognizes that it has responsibility for educating all students in the Avon district, regardless of their abilities, race, color, national origin or creed.  It recognizes that the entire person comes to school, and that the school cannot ignore his or her health, character and total personality development.  However, it also recognizes that the school cannot assume complete responsibility for all aspects of student development, as the responsibility must be shared by the home, the church and the total community with its various organizations and environmental conditions.

The school is but one of several institutions in society and community which are collectively responsible for the total educational development of students.  The basic responsibility of the corporation should be the achievement of those academic and physical development goals which are primarily those responsibilities charged to schools, and for which the other institutions of society and community do not assume major responsibility.

The Board believes that the most important educational task assigned to the school is that of working toward the maximum intellectual development of students in an atmosphere that recognizes and nurtures the uniqueness of the individual.  Therefore, the corporation will concentrate its resources towards the development of an educational program to discharge that most important responsibility.

The Board believes that the home, the church and the total community must assume major responsibility for other aspects of each student's development.  The board recognizes, however, that if the education of its students is to be complete, the developmental tasks of other community institutions must be supported and reinforced by the school.  Thus, the corporation shall assume shared responsibility for the physical, social-emotional and ethical-moral development of its students.

First page of the PDF file: 2024-25MiddleSchoolHandbookRevisionsFinal